If you are looking for quality teaching products related to social studies, writing, or technology please check out my Teachers Pay Teachers Store!

World History & European History Units
Units contain various activities and projects. There is a detailed PowerPoint presentation with 2 different note sheets for the students. They also contain Quick Reads or one page readings with questions and vocabulary. These worked great during distance learning for numerous educators!
Geography Resources

I have created several map assignments and reading activities that highlight various areas of the world. Some are created specifically for distance learning.
Psychology Units
Quick Reads
Units contain various activities and projects. There is a detailed PowerPoint presentation with 2 different note sheets for the students. They also contain Quick Reads or one page readings with questions and vocabulary. These worked great during distance learning for numerous educators!
Writing & Researching Assistance
Need help teaching students about writing thesis statements? Having problems with students not formatting their papers correctly? I have resources on various topics related to writing, specifically expository writing, and how to research assistance.

Quick Reads are one page readings that have a lot of information in an easy to read format. Each article comes with questions and vocabulary terms to enhance the learning. I also give you the chance to edit it, just in case you want to change the questions to fit your day's objective.
Technology Assistance & Fun Activities
I have presentations that assist students with using various programs and how to even be more effective with distance learning. I also have fun tech projects like making YouTube videos that can generate clicks!