AP/CITS European History
For AP European History, you need an AP text. My Quick Reads, or one page readings are supplemental texts to items that may not be covered in a textbook or to be used if one does not have a textbook. I also do various projects and essays with my students throughout the semester and do not have all of them listed here. I currently use a text by Pearson and the AMSCO European History book.
I also utilize the resources on the AP College Board website and would encourage any AP teacher to do the same. There are great videos and questions to use to help with student understanding and practice for the AP test. The outline provided below is mainly just my resources; however, you can move items around to bring in other materials or to have more time to do practice exams or other items within the AP Classroom.
Week One: Historiography
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Welcome to Class! Go over syllabus, policies, projects, and texts for the semester. Why is History Important Video. Map of Europe (Due on Thursday), assign Coffin chapter 12.
Wednesday: Time Lapse Video of Europe Assignment & Historiography PowerPoint
Thursday: Historiography Reading - What level historian are you?
Friday: What do you know about the Renaissance - Explain first essay (due in October) - Review European History up to 1400.
Week Two: Renaissance
Monday: What do you know about the Renaissance? Discuss the birthplace of the Renaissance - Italy. Lecture on Why Italy?
Tuesday: Isabella d'Este Reading, Florence, Society, & the Medici Lecture Florence YouTube Lecture
Wednesday: Artists and Writers Reading
For fun if time, Medieval Babies
Thursday: Savonarola Reading & Lorenzo Reading
Art Analysis Activity
Week Three: Renaissance
Monday: How to write a DBQ,How to Write a Thesis Statement - Thesis Statement Activity - Northern Renaissance.
Tuesday: Renaissance DBQ Day
Wednesday: Watch Medici Documentary Video Guide
Thursday: 12th Night Reading, Northern Renaissance
Friday: Renaissance State Building Lecture - Utopia Excerpt - War of the Roses - What was the Age of Exploration? What do you know?
Week Four: Age of Exploration & the Reformation
Monday: Financing the Age of Exploration - Prince Henry the Navigator Reading
Tuesday: Technology of the Age of Exploration - Columbus Primary Doc, Lecture on Spanish and Portuguese in the Americas
Wednesday: Reading on Hudson - The Northern Explorers Lecture - De Las Casas Reading & Assignment - Exit Slips
Thursday: What do you know about the Reformation? Early Reformers YouTube Lecture
Friday: The 95 Theses Lecture and Primary Doc Readings
Week Five: The Reformation
Monday: Luther and a Diet of Worms - Watch the Movie, Luther (Movie Guide)
Tuesday: Watch the Movie, Luther
Wednesday: Finish the Movie, Luther - Protestant Map
Thursday: Zwingli, the Anabaptists, and Calvin Lecture - Calvin Reading
Friday: The English Reformation - Take Home DBQ (Go over the Docs in class and then start and let them take it home)
Week Six: The War of Religions
Monday: French Civil War Lecture & Catherine de Medici Reading
Tuesday: King Philip II, Spain, and the Netherlands
Wednesday: Elizabeth II and Mary Queen of Scots Lecture and Twitter Activity
Thursday: Thirty Years War Lecture & Reading (I usually pick one or two to read)
Friday: The Dutch Commerce System and the Stuarts in England
Week Seven: Age of Absolutism
Monday: The English Civil War
Tuesday: The Glorious Revolution - The British Primary Documents
Wednesday: French Absolutism
Thursday: French Absolutism
Friday: Poland and Austria
Week Eight: Age of Absolutism
Monday: Prussia
Tuesday: Russia
Wednesday: The Ottomans
Thursday: Review
Friday: Test
Week Ten: Society & Transatlantic Economy
Week Six: The Scientific Revolution
Monday: Catholic Counter Reformation Lecture - Teresa of Avila - The Church as a Patron of the Sciences
Tuesday: What do you Know? Read Copernicus Bio - Lecture on the Roots to the Revolution, & Timeline Project
Wednesday: Read Brahe, continue notes. Brahe's Instruments and Work (Make your own to see if you can chart the night's sky)
Thursday: Galileo Reading - Mini DBQ, Notes
Friday: SHEG Galileo, Newton Reading, Finish Notes
Week Eleven: Enlightenment
Week Twelve: Enlightenment
Week Thirteen: French Revolution
Week Fourteen: French Revolution
Week Fifteen: Napoleon
Week Sixteen: Finals Week
Review Day
Final Exam
Week Seventeen: Nation-States
Monday: Congress of Vienna Notes & Congress of Vienna Reading with Map Assignment
Tuesday: Notes on Nationalism, Crash Course on Post-Napoleonic Europe, and Exit Slips
Wednesday: Notes on Conservativism and Liberalism in Europe & Reading
Thursday: Revolutions of 1830 & 1848 Reading - Notes on the Years of Revolutions
Friday: Finish 1848 Revolution Notes & Analyze LEQ from 2011
Week Seventeen: Industrial Revolution
Monday: What do you know of the Industrial Revolution, Notes on the Agricultural Revolution, and Reading on the Agricultural Revolution
Tuesday: Start of the Revolution Notes - Tech of the Industrial Revolution
Wednesday: Children of the Revolution Video
Thursday: Notes on the Family & Adam Smith - Adam Smith Primary Doc Reading
Friday: Notes on Utopian Socialists - Assign One-Pager (due next week)
Week Eighteen: Industrial Revolution
Monday: Notes on Communism & Anarchism - Reading on Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
Tuesday: Eastern & Southern Europe Notes (2nd PPT), Life during the Industrial Revolution
Wednesday: Automobiles, Electricity, & Medicine Notes - Poetry of the Industrial Revolution
Thursday: Diseases & Urban Renewal - Political Cartoon Analysis
Friday: DBQ on the Industrial Revolution or Test
Week Nineteen: Nationalism
Monday: Crimean War Notes, Crimean War Reading,
and read over Tennyson
Tuesday: Italian Unification Notes & Reading
Wednesday: German Unification Notes & Reading
Thursday: France after the Franco-Prussian War & Dreyfus Affair Reading
Friday: Austrian and Russian During the Era of Nationalism & Russian Emancipation Reading
Week Twenty: Victorian Era & New Imperialism
Monday: Victoria and the Chartists Notes, Reading and Activity on Victoria, and Assign Timeline Project
Tuesday: Disraeli & Gladstone Notes & Twitter Activity
Wednesday: Ireland & the Irish Potato Famine Notes and Activity
Thursday: Economics & Women's Suffrage - Pankurst Reading
Week Twenty-One: Victorian Era - Imperialism
Monday: British in India Notes, Reading on British in India, & Crash Course
Tuesday: British in China and Egypt Notes, Reading on British in China, start Political Cartoon Analysis
Wednesday: South Africa and Apartheid Notes, Finish Political Cartoon Analysis
Thursday: Test on the 1800s.
Friday: What do you know about World War I. How does it relate to Imperialism? Why was World War I a World War? Make a board of what everyone knows about World War I and discuss.
Week Twenty-Two: World War I
Monday: Building Alliances Notes, Alliance Reading, and WWI Video 1
Tuesday: Colonial Rivalries Notes, WWI Video 3,
Wednesday: Assassination of Franz Ferdinand Notes & Ultimatum Reading & Discussion
Thursday: Willy & Nicky Letters & the Start of the War Notes
Friday: Initial Battles on the Western Front
Week Twenty-Three: World War I
Monday: Notes on the Homefront to Battle of Verdun
Tuesday: Notes on the Battle of the Somme & Eastern Front
Wednesday: Notes on Gallipoli & the Wars on the Seas
Thursday: Bolshevik Revolution Notes
Friday: End of the War and the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Notes
Week Twenty-Four: Interwar Period
Monday: What Do You Know Activity & Europe After WWI Map Assignment
Week Twenty-Five: Interwar Period
Week Twenty-Six: World War II
Week Twenty-Seven: World War II
Week Twenty-Eight: Cold War
Week Twenty-Nine: Cold War
If you purchase and item on Teachers Pay Teachers from Learning the Social Sciences and leave a review, email me at learningthesocialsciences@gmail.com and I will send you a free quick read of your choice.